
United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Edition

BRAND: McGraw Hill

Grade Levels: 9-12 | Copyright: 2018
Format: Print | MHID: 0076681130

ISBN: 9780076681136

Focus on the big ideas with an accessible print student text built around Essential Questions and Inquiry.
Maximize comprehension with the Reading Help Desk in each lesson to assist students with building vocabulary, cultivating reading strategies, and strengthening note-taking skills.
Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, maps, and more.
Develop strong critical thinking, analytical, and compromise skills with Debate and Deliberation features.
Challenge students to "be the judge" in Supreme Court Case Studies; students will classify arguments, assign unmarked opinions and decide cases, apply precedents to recent cases, and conduct in-class moot courts.
Customize the learning experience for differentiated instruction using leveled reading, customizable assessments and worksheets, and flexible online learning tools.
Facilitate mastery of complex principles with dynamic digital tools.

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Product Description

Focus on the big ideas with an accessible print student text built around Essential Questions and Inquiry.
Maximize comprehension with the Reading Help Desk in each lesson to assist students with building vocabulary, cultivating reading strategies, and strengthening note-taking skills.
Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, maps, and more.
Develop strong critical thinking, analytical, and compromise skills with Debate and Deliberation features.
Challenge students to "be the judge" in Supreme Court Case Studies; students will classify arguments, assign unmarked opinions and decide cases, apply precedents to recent cases, and conduct in-class moot courts.
Customize the learning experience for differentiated instruction using leveled reading, customizable assessments and worksheets, and flexible online learning tools.
Facilitate mastery of complex principles with dynamic digital tools.

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United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center, 1-year subscription9780076681129

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United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Lesson Center, 1-year subscription97800766811051 seat
United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Edition97800766810821 copy
This is a single publication.


United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center, 1-year subscription9780076681129

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United States Government: Our Democracy, Teacher Lesson Center, 1-year subscription97800766811051 seat
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